Transform Yourself into a Superhero with Dreambooth and Automatic1111

Описание к видео Transform Yourself into a Superhero with Dreambooth and Automatic1111

Welcome to this new tutorial. Today, we will see how to transform Yourself into a Superhero. We will be using the Dreambooth extension for Automatic1111. All of this can be done on your home PC.


1. Install Dreambooth Extension
2. Restart Automatic1111
3. Check in command line if there are issues with requirements.txt
4. In case of issues you can check at because you may need to change requirements.txt
5. Create a Copy of Checkpoint starting from one you like
6. pepare ~20 images of yourself in different pose and clothes. Image size must match model training size. For SD 1.5 it's 512x512.
8. Use parameters in the video (also below) to much ~2200 steps
9. Generate class images.
10. Train
11. Have fun. You can use the trick explained in the video to obtain better results.

Parameters used in the video :

"adamw_weight_decay": 0.01,
"adaptation_beta1": 0,
"adaptation_beta2": 0,
"adaptation_d0": 1e-08,
"adaptation_eps": 1e-08,
"attention": "xformers",
"cache_latents": false,
"clip_skip": 1,
"concepts_list": [
"class_data_dir": "",
"class_guidance_scale": 7,
"class_infer_steps": 40,
"class_negative_prompt": "",
"class_prompt": "photo of a man",
"class_token": "",
"instance_data_dir": "G:\\Download\\cstndr\\Foto512",
"instance_prompt": "kcka man",
"instance_token": "",
"is_valid": true,
"n_save_sample": 1,
"num_class_images_per": 1,
"sample_seed": -1,
"save_guidance_scale": 7,
"save_infer_steps": 20,
"save_sample_negative_prompt": "",
"save_sample_prompt": "photo of kcka man",
"save_sample_template": ""
"concepts_path": "",
"custom_model_name": "",
"noise_scheduler": "DDPM",
"deterministic": false,
"ema_predict": false,
"epoch": 60,
"epoch_pause_frequency": 0,
"epoch_pause_time": 0,
"freeze_clip_normalization": false,
"gradient_accumulation_steps": 1,
"gradient_checkpointing": false,
"gradient_set_to_none": true,
"graph_smoothing": 50,
"half_model": false,
"train_unfrozen": false,
"has_ema": false,
"hflip": false,
"infer_ema": false,
"initial_revision": 0,
"learning_rate": 2e-06,
"learning_rate_min": 1e-06,
"lifetime_revision": 0,
"lora_learning_rate": 0.0001,
"lora_model_name": "",
"lora_unet_rank": 4,
"lora_txt_rank": 4,
"lora_txt_learning_rate": 5e-05,
"lora_txt_weight": 1,
"lora_weight": 1,
"lr_cycles": 1,
"lr_factor": 0.5,
"lr_power": 1,
"lr_scale_pos": 0.5,
"lr_scheduler": "constant_with_warmup",
"lr_warmup_steps": 0,
"max_token_length": 75,
"mixed_precision": "fp16",
"model_name": "AndreaCheckpoint",
"model_dir": "D:\\stable-diffusion-webui\\models\\dreambooth\\AndreaCheckpoint",
"model_path": "D:\\stable-diffusion-webui\\models\\dreambooth\\AndreaCheckpoint",
"num_train_epochs": 60,
"offset_noise": 0,
"optimizer": "8bit AdamW",
"pad_tokens": true,
"pretrained_model_name_or_path": "D:\\stable-diffusion-webui\\models\\dreambooth\\AndreaCheckpoint\\working",
"pretrained_vae_name_or_path": null,
"prior_loss_scale": false,
"prior_loss_target": 100.0,
"prior_loss_weight": 0.75,
"prior_loss_weight_min": 0.1,
"resolution": 512,
"revision": 2640,
"sample_batch_size": 1,
"sanity_prompt": "",
"sanity_seed": 420420.0,
"save_ckpt_after": true,
"save_ckpt_cancel": false,
"save_ckpt_during": false,
"save_ema": true,
"save_embedding_every": 25,
"save_lora_after": true,
"save_lora_cancel": false,
"save_lora_during": false,
"save_lora_for_extra_net": false,
"save_preview_every": 5,
"save_safetensors": true,
"save_state_after": false,
"save_state_cancel": false,
"save_state_during": false,
"scheduler": "DEISMultistep",
"shuffle_tags": true,
"snapshot": "",
"split_loss": true,
"src": "D:\\stable-diffusion-webui\\models\\Stable-diffusion\\dreamshaper_6BakedVae.safetensors",
"stop_text_encoder": 0.75,
"strict_tokens": false,
"tf32_enable": false,
"train_batch_size": 2,
"train_imagic": false,
"train_unet": true,
"use_concepts": false,
"use_ema": false,
"use_lora": false,
"use_lora_extended": false,
"use_subdir": true,
"v2": false


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