Introduction to Managed Services

Описание к видео Introduction to Managed Services

Session 6 of the all-new tech talk, ‘The Podium’ touched upon an interesting topic – managed services and was carried out by 2 of our very own architects, Kassapa Jayasinghe (Senior Principal Architect and Head of Managed Service Practice) & Yohan Peiris (Architect and CEG. Head for AMS). Managed services allow enterprises to scale up and benefit from their services and processes being managed by a set of experts. By outsourcing certain practices, the complete requirements for maintaining and anticipating the need for, a range of business processes and functions.

By outsourcing certain practices businesses can improve productivity through improved operations and reduce budgetary expenditures by eliminating the need to hire staff directly.

This Webinar will cover:
What managed services are
What are managed services made of?
The big players in the managed services industry
Who are managed services for?
The ADL managed services delivery model
The ADL managed services delivery structure
Service offerings from ADL
The skills the managed services team looks for
The benefits to you for joining the managed services team at ADL

Suitable for:
Project Managers
University students
IT enthusiasts
Managed services professionals
Product owners

Presented by:
Kassapa Jayasinghe
Senior Principal Architect & Head of Practice – Managed Services

Your first speaker for the 6th session of ‘The Podium’ is Kassapa Jayasinghe. Kassapa is an industry professional and managed services expert and currently serving Axiata Digital Labs as a Senior Principal Architect while also heading the global Managed Services division.

Kassapa has over 16 years of experience in the IT industry with multi-cultural & overseas exposure. He holds an MBS in Business Studies from the University of Colombo and completed his BSc in Information Technology at the Sri Lanka Institute of Information.

Your second speaker for this session was Yohan Peiris. Yohan has over 12 years of experience in the IT industry and is an Architect at ADL while also Heading the AMS division #atthelab. Similarly, Yohan is a passionate IT professional at ADL and holds a BSc from the University of Peradeniya and a Postgraduate Diploma in Informatics from the University of Edinburgh.

Yohan is also certified in technological applications such as:
Huawei Cloud
PostgreSQL EDB


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