WarioWare Touched! - Cute Cuts (Mona) - High Score Run (100+)

Описание к видео WarioWare Touched! - Cute Cuts (Mona) - High Score Run (100+)

Even with a performance like that... I was somehow 1 away from PB. Seriously, I lost some really easy stuff but I guess I won some difficult ones too. Still so badly wish I could record on DS so I could be more satisfied that they are legit.

Rng was really, really good. The very last loss felt like karma for losing the ones I did, since I kinda wanted to hit max speed, which is 127. I probably won't attempt this stage again though. Some games like It Slices, It Dices feel way harder on the bigger screen, as does Clog It.

Still, a better score than I wanted.


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