MOVING TO TEMECULA?!? | Eagle Vista Community | French Valley Winchester New Consturction

Описание к видео MOVING TO TEMECULA?!? | Eagle Vista Community | French Valley Winchester New Consturction

Today we are taking you into the thoughtfully designed community of Eagle Vista in French Valley, CA.

If you have any questions or would like to buy/sell in Southern California please feel free to email us at [email protected]

My husband, Andy and I were born and raised in southern California. Right after high school Andy went off to the Army and I went off to the University of California, Riverside. During that time my husband was lucky enough to live in Hawaii. Once we married we moved to El Paso Texas because of the military. Once his contract was up we decided to move closer to family and chose to come back to SoCal. Shortly after moving back we started our real estate careers and have loved every minute of it. We love living and working here.

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Claudia Soto
DRE 02094995
Andy Soto
DRE 02098755

Accuracy of all information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified.


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