[Klance MV] The Undying Memory Of You

Описание к видео [Klance MV] The Undying Memory Of You

Song: Daughter - Youth

Ohhhmygodd I cant believe its finally finished, I swear to god this took forever ; o ; BUT considering it's my first thingy like this I'm pretty happy with the final result! I've always wanted to draw this scene, one thing off my bucket list yay :^)

Is it time to explain the story? i believe it is!!! SO!!! The title is the key to everything, the story is about memories! And nothing hurts us more than a memory of happiness we once had but we'll never experience again. The story may seem to be focused on Keith (and it partly is!) but the truth is it's all about Lance. Keith is a memory Lance is trying to let go of but he can't. Everything Keith does are projections of Lance's memories, their happy moments together. But also times when Lance hurt Keith, when he let him go though he never should have.

The lyrics also add something to the story (because why not, let's go all the way) :^) The first few lines are the uncomfortable truth - no matter how important a person used to be to us eventually we'll forget them and move on and Lance is yet to do it. "The words you left" are not hurtful, no no! Those are the happy memories! All the past I love you's, all the words of adoration, every joke and every laugh! "Most of us are bitter over someone" well this is actually about Keith, Lance left him and so he is "setting fire to his insides", and there, he's gone! It's all gone! The love is gone! Everything they had! Gone!

Im! fucking! crying! What!


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