Immigrant Dairy Workers in Wisconsin: Moving from Awareness to Action

Описание к видео Immigrant Dairy Workers in Wisconsin: Moving from Awareness to Action

Ruth Conniff
Brenda Gonzalez
Fabiola Hamdan
Melissa Sanchez
Heidi Wegleitner

Across the nation, immigrants are working in dangerous and sometimes illegal conditions, struggling to connect to services, and facing hostility and policy failure. Federal and state leaders have failed to make life safer or more secure for immigrants, but there is a chance for progress at the local level. In November 2023, Dane County invested $8 million in housing for immigrant dairy workers. This investment responds to appalling policy failures documented in the dairy industry but is rooted in a longer history of local work to support immigrants and connect them with social services and other supports. This panel will cover why and how this historic investment happened and help the audience think about translating and applying this story’s lessons to other communities. The panel includes writers who have documented tragic conditions that immigrant dairy workers face, the Dane County Board member who, moved by the documented crisis in the county, led the charge for investment, and the leader of Dane County’s Immigration Affairs department, a social worker who has long been at the forefront of serving the immigrant community through direct services as well as advocacy. Panelists consider lessons from this story and the broader applicability of it as communities across the state see large numbers of new immigrant arrivals. All panelists engage in consideration of further work needed, principles for action for working in solidarity with immigrant workers, and social workers’ role in efforts to demand safety and security for immigrant workers and their families.


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