TRLE Tutorial 12: NGLE Scripting using Trigger Groups

Описание к видео TRLE Tutorial 12: NGLE Scripting using Trigger Groups

This is the 12th in a series of TRLE tutorials. This tutorial covers how to create scripted triggers within NGLE, using ‘trigger groups’. You can find the script for the trigger group example here:

;---------------Midas garden gorillas--------------
TriggerGroup=14, TGROUP_SINGLE_SHOT + $5000, 2163, $2A,(greater than symbol);target
$5000, 2253, $329, (greater than symbol) ;camera
$5000, 2251, $2B,(greater than symbol) ;gorilla x2
$5000, 2252, $2B,(greater than symbol)
$2000, 129, $7F ;music 127
Youtube does not allow the 'greater than' symbol for some reason, so please replace the bracketed text and the brackets with the 'greater than' symbol.


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