Benefits of living and working in Luxembourg | Perks of living in Luxembourg City | Advantages

Описание к видео Benefits of living and working in Luxembourg | Perks of living in Luxembourg City | Advantages

Are you considerfing moving to Luxembourg and you don't know what are the benefits and advantages of living in Luxembourg? You received a job offer and you don't know if you should accept it? In this video I will share with you what Luxmbourg as a country and the city of capital of it, has in offer for you! So basically why you should come to live and work in Luxembourg.

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed this video - let me know in comments down below, if You liked it and if You want videos like this in the future. Also let me know what kind of exchange/studying abroad or culture shock videos you would like me to do next!

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Hey guys, my name is Magda and I'm 25 years old finance graduate. Currently living in Luxembourg. I love to travel the world and learn about new cultures. I have done many exchanges (Long term and short term Rotary Youth Exchange, Erasmus + program and New Generation Exchange) and I lived in few countries (Poland, United States, Colombia, Spain, Italy and now Luxembourg). On my channel I try to give You all the knowledge I have about living/studying abroad and my traveling experience. Enjoy!

📸 Instagram: @magda.guzewicz

🔔 subscribe:    / @bymagdayt  

I post every:
Wednesday at 7 pm Central European Time (GMT+1)!
Sunday at 6:30 pm Central European Time (GMT+1)!

In this video I used YouTube Audio Library:
Recess – TrackTribe

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