Battle Grounds III New Maps

Описание к видео Battle Grounds III New Maps

New maps from the 2020 mapping contest.

lb_autumn by beefbacon

A river runs through this scenic lb map. Featuring farmlands, a forest and fantastic lighting effects, this map is poised to be the top lb map in the game.

sg_deroga by ColonelSanders and SpockJedi

This large scale siege map is brought to us by Pirates, Vikings and Knights II developers ColonelSanders and Spock Jedi. Modelled off of the historic Fort Ticonderoga, pitched battle takes place at the gate, in the courtyard and on the bastions of this iconic fortress.

bg_canal by qwerty

Another fantastic map brought to us by the winner of the 2019 mapping contest and creator of bg_wrecked, this waterside town features fast paced combat and is ideal for the 5v5 gamemode.

bg_fort_stmathieu by kasos

Fourth place in the contest, but included in the game due to it's high quality, this autumn fort map is ideal for larger size skirmishes.


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