[Tales of the Abyss] Fall of Akzeriuth (NG+)

Описание к видео [Tales of the Abyss] Fall of Akzeriuth (NG+)


I will warn you now, from here on out, there WILL be spoilers. This will be the only time I warn you until there's another plot twist.

As we try to continue on, some commotion can be heard from above. Jade goes to check it out, and promptly leaves the party. We walk further and finally see Van. Asch gives Luke another headache, telling him to stop, but he refuses to listen. Luke asks Van where the vanguard is, and he tells them they're standing by elsewhere. Van asks Ion to open the door to the sephiroth, and after some convincing from Luke, he complies. As they enter the door, Asch attempts to stop Luke once more, asking if he's trying to destroy Akzeriuth. Luke yells at him, saying he's trying to save it. Once we're inside, Van tells Luke to go to the passage ring to neutralize and miasma.

Elsewhere, Tear runs up to Jade and tells him the vanguard was wiped out. Apparently oracle soldiers were there to kidnap her. The Seventh Fonstone wasn't real, it was a setup to get Tear away from what Van is about to do.

As the scene changes back to Luke, Van tells "Foolish Replica Luke" to unleash his power. He's is trying to destroy Akzeriuth! The area starts to collapse as the group plus Asch arrives. Van says something about not being able to afford to lose Asch, so he sends a monster to grab him. Van says he wants Tear to live long enough to see how ugly this world really is, and tells her to use the fonic hymns.

NG+ stands for New Game+.


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