Bangladesh crisis: 'End of Sheikh Hasina era, no doubt…', says Shashi Tharoor after all-party meet

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On Shiekh Hasina and the current political situation in Bangladesh, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor says "...It's very clearly the end of the Sheikh Hasina era, no doubt about that. She's also 76 years old and I don't think she's going to sit in exile plotting a comeback, that would be unwise. We've seen an unfolding drama in the last half a century between the forces associated with the liberation movement, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and now his daughter for a lengthy period of time. On the other side of the fence, people associated more with the military and to some degree with the more Islamist forces within Bangladesh...Bangladesh used to be East Pakistan. There is a certain basis for Islamic fervour in sections of that society. India has engaged fairly constructively with every government, even the governments that were not overtly friendly to us. I think we'll have to continue doing exactly the same thing..."

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