
Описание к видео #117

Tough day following a tram line up to a mine high in the mountains above Sandon called the Ivanhoe.The Ivanhoe occurrence is situated on Crown grant Lot 743 at 2058 metres elevation above sea level, between Sandon and Selkirk peaks, in the Slocan Mining Division. The underground workings cover most of the eastern portion of Lot 743 and extend east on to the Elgin Crown grant (Lot 742).

This property was owned in 1952 by the Minnesota Silver Company, Limited, who have owned the claim since 1894.

The property was located about 1893 and was worked fairly steadily up to 1905, after which it lay idle until 1913 when operations were resumed and continued until 1921. Since that time little if any work has been done within the property limits. In 1900 a 100-ton mill was erected at Sandon. This was connected to the mine workings by an aerial tramway 2590 metres long. The mill was burned in 1915, and subsequently rebuilt by the Rosebery-Surprise Mining Company who acquired an option on the Ivanhoe property in 1919. This option was allowed to lapse the following year and in 1921 Silversmith Mines, Limited, took over the mill and remodelled it.

The mine was developed by 8 levels over a vertical range of about 183 metres. Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 8 levels are adits. Ore was stoped from No. 6 to 12.1 metres above No. 1 level, a vertical distance of 99 metres, but most of the stoping was done between levels Nos. 2 and 4. No. 2 level, driven on parts of a large and complex lode was partly accessible in 1948. No. 8 adit reaches the Ivanhoe lode at 399 metres and No. 4 adit reaches it at about 152 metres from the portal. The longest levels are Nos. 4 and 8. The former extends 224 metres east and 780 metres west and southwest of the crosscut, including in the latter direction an extension of 335 metres into the adjoining property of the Canadian group (082FNW197). No. 8 level drifts about 152 metres west of the crosscut and 286 metres east and also passes into Canadian ground for 247 metres. These levels are only partially accessible and the other levels are short and for the most part inaccessible.

Regionally, the area lies on the western margin of the Kootenay Arc, in allochthonous rocks of the Quesnel Terrane. In the vicinity of the occurrence, the Quesnel Terrane is dominated by the Upper Triassic Slocan Group, a thick sequence of deformed and metamorphosed shale, argillite, siltstone, quartzite and minor limestone. Rocks of the Slocan Group are tightly and disharmonically folded. Early minor folds are tight to isoclinal with moderate east plunging, southeast inclined axial planes and younger folds are open, southwest plunging with subhorizontal axial planes. The sedimentary sequence has been regionally metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies.

South of the occurrence, the Slocan Group has been intruded by the Middle Jurassic Nelson intrusions which comprise at least six texturally and compositionally distinct phases ranging from diorite to lamprophyre. The most dominant phase is a medium to coarse grained potassium feldspar porphyritic granite. Several feldspar porphyritic granodiorite dikes, apparently related to the Nelson intrusions, also cut the sedimentary sequence near the occurrence (Paper 1989-5).

The Ivanhoe occurrence is hosted by limestone, argillite and quartzite of the Slocan Group that are intruded by quartz feldspar porphyries. The rocks are folded in a synclinal structure with the limbs striking north-northwest and dipping moderately southwest and northeast. The occurrence consists of a broad and irregular zone of faulting and shearing over 7 metres in width containing brecciated wallrock cemented by quartz and siderite with local lenses and veins of sulphides up to 1.5 metres thick. The walls of the fissure vein are marked by consistent gouge. The shear zone strikes east-west for most of the property but swings sharply southwest as it approaches the Canadian property (082FNW197). Veins within the shear zone dip 52 degrees south. On the Ivanhoe and Elgin Crown grants the vein system has been developed on at least eight underground levels and over a vertical range of about 180 metres. Above the No. 3 level of the mine the stopes were continuous for about 180 metres. Within the productive section of the veins the ore consisted of argentiferous galena and sphalerite in a matrix of siderite and quartz. Much of the ore was concentrated in semimassive lenses up to 1.5 metres wide between the second and fourth levels.

Production from the Ivanhoe between 1895 and 1935 yielded about 14 tonnes of silver, 2366 tonnes of lead, 330 tonnes of zinc and 31 grams of gold from 40,293 tonnes mined.


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