Francesco Landini Madrigal, "Musica Son Già Furon Ciascun Vuol"

Описание к видео Francesco Landini Madrigal, "Musica Son Già Furon Ciascun Vuol"

Francesco Landini (c. 1325/35 – 1397): Madrigal, "Musica Son Già Furon Ciascun Vuol"

Performance by: Gothic Voices on "A Laurel for Landini".

Transcription by: Jordan Alexander Key

For a copy of the performance transcription see:

CANTUS text:

Musica son che me dolgo piangendo
Veder gli effecti mie dolcie profecti
Lasciar per frottol' i vagh' intellecti.
Perche 'ngnorantia 'n vici ongnun' chostuma
Lasciasi 'l buon' e pigliasi la schiuma.

I am Music, who weeping regret to see
intelligent people desert my sweet
and perfect effects for popular songs;
because ignorance and vice abound
good is deserted and the worst is seized.


Gia' furon le dolcecce mie pregiate
Da chavalier', baroni e gran singnori,
Or sono 'n bastardita 'n gienti chori.
Ma i' musicha sol non mi lamento
Ch'ancor l' altre virtu lascia te sento.

Formerly my sweetnesses were prized
by knights, barons, and great lords.
Now gentle hearts are corrupted.
But I, Music, do not lament alone,
for I see even the other virtues deserted.

TENOR text:

Ciascun vouli narrar musical note
Et compor madria, chaccie, ballate,
Tenend' ongnun' in la su autenti charte.
Chi vuol d'una virtù venire in loda
Conviengli prima giugner' alla proda.

Everyone wants to arrange musical notes,
compose madrigals, caccias, and ballates,
each holding his own to be perfect.
He who would be praised for a virtue
must first come down to earth.


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