Team Sonic Skaters

Описание к видео Team Sonic Skaters

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I stream on twitch as well:   / sizzstar  
➤ Follow me on TikTok: / sizzstar_le_vibe
➤ Twitch: / sizzstar
➤ Twitter: / sizzstar2
Sub now:
➤ Download Link:

Mod info:
Name=Skater Mania
Description=Skate through Mobius with our three Skaters!
Version=Beta 1.0

#sonic #fangame #gaming


The video in my intro is a mock up done by LucasThePucas:
If you're new,feel free to check out my best videos:

Mania Mod - Sonic.exe Nightmare beginning (outdated)
   • Mania Mod - Sonic.exe Nightmare begin...  

Sonic Mania Mod - Bendy Mania (Meet the bosses)
   • Sonic Mania Mod - Bendy Mania (Meet t...  

Sonic Mania and Sonic PLUS (Boss Rush)
   • Sonic Mania and Sonic PLUS (Boss Rush)  

Sonic 2 & 3 HD (Fan Games)
   • Sonic 2 & 3 HD (Fan Games)  

Sonic 2: Everyone is here
   • Sonic 2: Everyone is here  

Sonic 1 & Knuckles & Eggman & Shadow & Metal Sonic & Super Sonic & Amy & Mighty & Ray & Rouge
   • Sonic 1 & Knuckles & Eggman & Shadow ...  

Sonic 1 Everyone is here (35 characters)
   • Sonic 1 Everyone is here (35 characters)  
Closing Notes:

Thx for watching,i hope you enjoy the video and the awesome work each creator
put into these mods,hacks or fangames.
much thanks to them


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