2024-2025 New! U.S. Citizenship, 100 Civics Test Quiz, USCIS, Exam, Ciudadania Americana

Описание к видео 2024-2025 New! U.S. Citizenship, 100 Civics Test Quiz, USCIS, Exam, Ciudadania Americana

In this video, we want applicants to be ready for the new test if it comes. Immigrant applicants would have to answer a multi-choice civics test for a U.S. citizenship interview and exam, which could require more English and test-taking proficiency. This will help us understand an applicant’s ability to communicate effectively in English. Let’s challenge you to answer the civics test questions that we have for this multi-choice citizenship test.

This multiple-choice civics test question includes a statement or question followed by 4 choices. You must select the best answer from the choices given. Some applicants only start studying for multiple choice exams until they can recognize or master the correct answer. This 100 Civics Test 2024 is based on the official USCIS approved (2008 version). This can be considered as an official study guide for your upcoming naturalization test interview.

The official website below will let you see the names of the current senators from your state:
Simply visit: www.senate.gov

Find the name of your current governor for each state by simply choosing your state and selecting it to see the current name of the Governor via the link: www.usa.gov/state-governor

To find your current Representative, simply visit: https://www.house.gov/representatives...
Enter your ZIP code, click FIND YOUR REP BY ZIP, and your congressional district representative will appear. This official service will assist you by matching your ZIP code to your congressional district, so trying to provide additional information will allow an exact match by entering your Street Address.

To find your U.S. state capital, just click the state where you live via the map, and then you will be able to know the capital of your state:

You can test yourself if you have mastered the Civics Test via our video playlist link:
   • Civics Test Official USCIS (2008 Vers...  

You can watch our (N-400) naturalization interview videos through the playlist below:
   • U.S. Citizenship Mock Interviews for ...  

Watch our U.S. Citizenship Official Reading and Writing Tests (History Government Civics Exams) link here for you:    • Reading, Writing, Speaking Tests for ...  

Watch our practice interview videos through the link below:
   • N-400 Applicant Interview Practice (Q...  

N400 Interview Guide Lessons, Tips, & Advice, link:    • U.S. Citizenship Interview Guide Less...  

Vocabulary and definition videos via this link:
   • USCIS N-400 Vocabulary and Definition...  

Our community updates are available through this link:    / uscitizenshiphelpguide  . Some of the new passers have shared their interview experiences that may help you, too.

En este video, queremos que los solicitantes estén preparados para la nueva prueba que se realizará a finales de este año, 2024. Los solicitantes inmigrantes tendrían que responder a una prueba de educación cívica de opción múltiple para una entrevista y un examen de ciudadanía estadounidense, lo que podría requerir un mayor dominio del inglés y de la realización de exámenes. Esto ayudará a comprender la capacidad del solicitante para comunicarse de manera efectiva en inglés. Vamos a desafiarlo a que responda las preguntas de la prueba de educación cívica que tenemos para esta prueba de ciudadanía de opción múltiple.

Esta pregunta de prueba de educación cívica de opción múltiple incluye una declaración o pregunta seguida de 4 opciones. Debe seleccionar la mejor respuesta de las opciones dadas. Algunos solicitantes solo comienzan a estudiar para los exámenes de opción múltiple hasta que pueden reconocer o dominar la respuesta correcta. Esta prueba de educación cívica de 100 2024 se basa en la versión oficial aprobada por USCIS (2008). Esto puede considerarse como una guía de estudio oficial para su próxima entrevista de prueba de naturalización.

This educational video is for informational purposes only. The use of information contained in this video does not constitute any legal advice. Any reliance on the information contained herein is solely at the viewer’s own risk. We try to include up-to-date and accurate information in all our published videos. However, with the constant change of immigration laws, fees, regulations, forms, procedures, and policies, the information herein may no longer be correct. We are not immigration officials or lawyers. Kindly consult any authorized immigration law expert before you make any decisions or take any actions that might affect your U.S. immigration status.

#naturalization #civicstest #uscitizenshiptest #100civicsquestions #ciudadaniaamericana #100preguntas


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