Wind Waker HD any% Spliced Theory TAS in

Описание к видео Wind Waker HD any% Spliced Theory TAS in

THIS IS NOT A REAL SPEEDRUN OR A REAL TAS. It is the most realistic interpretation of what the Wind Waker HD any% TAS will look like one day when it is complete. I spliced together clips of real gameplay from Wind Waker HD and TAS gameplay from Wind Waker SD done by myself and TASer TrogWW.

TrogWW's TWWHD any% Theory TAS:    • TWWHD any% theory TAS (TWW TAS)  

Why Italian?
Italian has the fastest text for Wind Waker HD

Why do you have some clips from the original Wind Waker?
Currently the TAS tools for the original Wind Waker are far superior to that of Wind Waker HD mainly due to having savestates. Clips used of the original game were for tricks that were too difficult to imitate/replicate without tools.

How do you swim so fast in the water?
In both the original game and in HD, if you turn around in the water you gain 3 units of negative speed, if we chain these together frame perfectly we can gain 90 units of negative speed per second. Around -1400 speed is required to superswim across the ocean in one air gauge.

Why do you go to the submarine before dragon roost?
Instead of obtaining the bottle the normal way, we can simply defeating the enemies in the submarine at bomb island and get it in a chest there. This skips the sequence of talking to Medli and Komali and throwing Medli to obtain the bottle. This is not done RTA because this would add another manual superswim and would end up not saving any time because a human needs to pause buffer turning around in the water.

How do you pull out the grappling hook and then go so fast?
This glitch is known as item sliding and involves going into first person mode with any item you can move around with (grappling hook, boomerang, bow, or hookshot), holding a direction to get link moving, and then quickly switching to ESS in the opposite direction. This will cause link to then build speed exponentially, so much that the game will crash after charging for 8 seconds. A TAS does not need to pause buffer item slides.

How do you teleport across the ocean to a different island?
This is know as island hopping and involves building so much speed with an item slide that once you release all of this speed you can travel the entire distance across the ocean in one frame. All island hops are theoretically possible but are so difficult that instead position restore after charging an item slide for a while was done to as closely as possible simulate what these island hops would look like.

How did you aim so quickly with the grappling hook?
Wind Waker HD has an aiming mechanic known as gyro which uses motion controls based on the direction the wii u gamepad is facing to determine which direction you aim a first person item. Because of this it is theoretically possible to aim at any spot within a large range in a single frame. A human would need to pause, turn the gamepad, and then unpause, however a TAS could do this in one frame.

Why do you always get perfect luck?
RNG, which determines luck based events in the game, is calculated based on all previous in-game inputs. A TAS can always have the exact same inputs every time, therefore it can alter its inputs in a way that it always gets perfect luck.

Why don't you ever get storage?
Dry storage was patched out upon release of Wind Waker HD and remains only possible in the original Wind Waker game.

What were the time-saves over trog's theory TAS?
Faster HD cutscenes, faster movement in dragon roost cavern, stick through the door strategy in dragon roost cavern, gossip stone skip, ff1 spikes raising cutscene skip, ff1 door clip, hero's sword skip, sail skip, bombs skip, leaf skip, and faster damage route on grand staircase.


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