In this short video, we're going to talk about what is called "CPTSD" or "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." We'll be discussing the symptoms, what to do if you experience them, and how to deal with them.
If you or someone you know is struggling with CPTSD, don't wait any longer. This video is for you. Learn about the signs and symptoms of CPTSD and get advice on what to do if you find yourself struggling. This video is a must-watch if you're struggling with emotional flashbacks or CPTSD.
In this short video, we're going to talk about what is called "CPTSD" or "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." We'll be discussing the symptoms, what to do if you experience them, and how to deal with them.If you or someone you know is struggling with CPTSD, don't wait any longer. This video is for you. Learn about the signs and symptoms of CPTSD and get advice on what to do if you find yourself struggling. This video is a must-watch if you're struggling with emotional flashbacks or CPTSD.In this short video, we're going to talk about what is called "CPTSD" or "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." We'll be discussing the symptoms, what to do if you experience them, and how to deal with them.If you or someone you know is struggling with CPTSD, don't wait any longer. This video is for you. Learn about the signs and symptoms of CPTSD and get advice on what to do if you find yourself struggling. This video is a must-watch if you're struggling with emotional flashbacks or CPTSD.In this short video, we're going to talk about what is called "CPTSD" or "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." We'll be discussing the symptoms, what to do if you experience them, and how to deal with them.If you or someone you know is struggling with CPTSD, don't wait any longer. This video is for you. Learn about the signs and symptoms of CPTSD and get advice on what to do if you find yourself struggling. This video is a must-watch if you're struggling with emotional flashbacks or CPTSD.Emotional Flashbacks and CPTSDEmotional flashbacks are one of the clearest signs of Complex Trauma or Complex PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. An emotional flashback feels like an overwhelming emotionalreaction out of left field that puts you in a childlike state reacting in the 4 F’s: Fight, Flight,Freeze, or Fawn (more specifics below). Basically, your animal brain can’t differentiate betweenthe past danger and the present moment.Flashbacks can be caused by an event triggering the same emotions, anniversaries totraumatic events, even experiencing the same intense feeling that dominated a traumatic lifetransition at a completely unrelated moment can cause a flashback.For example: you’re getting flashbacks from years ago of a time when you were in adangerous relationship whenever you’re running late for work. If running late for work,especially if it’s a job that doesn’t feel like the right environment fit for you, causes intensefeelings of shame or worthlessness, they might call back to that time in the relationship whenyou felt similarly.Unlike PTSD that typically has visual components with flashbacks, CPTSD can bemissing the visual flashback all together and manifest by emotionally and physically arrestingyour body. CPTSD tends to result from experiencing painful emotions over a prolonged periodof time rather than one specific memory like PTSD. Shame, helplessness, and a screaminginner critic are common mental notes many share that experience CPTSD. Those thoughts thatsomething in you is or has always been broken, less than, not worthy of love or connection thatkicks your nervous system to automatically respond with the 4 F’s. Realizing which of the 4 ismost often your reaction pattern is the first step towards managing emotional flashbacks.4F Patterns:Freeze: scrolling on phones, snacking to numb out, disassociating - day dream state, isolatingthemselves, difficulty making decisionsFlight: workaholics, over thinkers, can’t sit still, distract themselves with projects rather thandeal with emotions, or substance abuse and taking risks to flood sensesFawn: focus on solving other people’s problems or channel emotions into people pleasing,codependent tendencies with a lack of boundariesFight: emotions are expressed with aggression, pushing people away, seeking out orcausing unrelated conflict, explosive behaviorWhen a small behavior like scrolling to numb out or overworking can begin to benoticed as signals towards our own mental health state, we can begin to work with the traumabefore it erupts into a flashback. We didn’t ask for trauma, but we’re forced to deal with itanyway, or it’ll deal with you.If you’re dealing with emotional flashbacks, see the link below for 13 steps to manage it. professional help with CPTSD visit Naya Clinics @
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