Aero GPX Kickstarter Demo: Midnight Flight - 0'53"568 (Passion Kite)

Описание к видео Aero GPX Kickstarter Demo: Midnight Flight - 0'53"568 (Passion Kite)

Note: This is from the old 2022 Kickstarter demo.
A 15"800 improvement on my previous time. Midnight Flight has been updated with extra boost pads since I last played it which makes this new strategy easier and faster.

My thoughts on each lap...
Lap 1: Really solid lap that's faster than what I usually average. There's a flashier (and sometimes faster) strategy that I didn't get to show off in this run, but you can see it in the bonus footage.
Lap 2: The final drill dive was weak which lead to a slower lap 3 entry speed, but it was better than nothing. Otherwise an excellent lap that's just a touch slower than my very best.
Lap 3: Missing the dash pad in the 2nd slipstream caused me to run out of boost earlier than desired and really slowed down the final dive into the finish. Weakest lap of them all, but still passable.

The spin attack animation was disabled via the settings menu to make it easier to perform better spin grinds.

Best splits:
21"503, 15"740, 14"903 = 52"146

0:00 - Main run
1:11 - Lap 1 alt/backup strat
1:24 - Aero GPX Space Program (this could've been a sub 21 opener...)
1:41 - Fast, but lap 2 doomed to fail
1:51 - Briefly landed in rail (but no AGG)
2:02 - How I wanted lap 3 to end in the main run :(


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