Brainbuster Studios, Act 2 | Plants Vs Zombies 2 Mulchiverse DLC - Fanmade Content

Описание к видео Brainbuster Studios, Act 2 | Plants Vs Zombies 2 Mulchiverse DLC - Fanmade Content

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Hey guys! Thank you for being patient for this upload! The next world may take a bit longer, but I’ll keep you guys posted! Stay tuned! God bless you!

In the first world of The Mulchiverse DLC, you, Dave (1 & 2) and Penny arrive in the mid-1930’s, during the Golden Age of Hollywood. Or, more accurately, Zombiewood. Watch this video to learn of the interesting new mechanics, beloved returning features, and more things plant and zombie than Dave could count on his fingers! (Not that he could count in the first place.)

Special thanks to Joshingtron and Ruscel Torres for BGM.

#pvz2 #plantsvszombies #plantsvszombies2


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