Forthteller "JUKAI" (Official Music Video)

Описание к видео Forthteller "JUKAI" (Official Music Video)

Music Video by Zach Mayfield
Directed by Zach Mayfield, Thom Schultz, and Justin Hatton
Storyline by Thom Schultz and Justin Hatton


Fall with me into this sea of trees [1]
Gasp with me beneath these wilting leaves
Examine the fathoms of this mind
That I've concealed with cultivated lines [2]

This canopy has blotted out the stars
So I carved the constellations on my arm [3]
To break the bonds the hold me under [4]
I stand atop this man-made wonder

I scale this felsic summit [5]
To bridge the gap [6]
Between this pain and it's release
To cease these scattered thoughts and sleepless dreams

I plant the seeds and nourish them with vices [7]
Entreat the fate that now entices
Feed these roots that clutch till branches grow [8]
To balance out this heart of stone [9]
I see the limbs of liberty [10]
Outstretched for all eternity [11]
to hold the weight of my iniquity
Clambering to find my solace
I am met with severed malice [12]
crashing to the waves below
I hang suspended between what's real and what I know [13]

Will you feel this haunting breath
Or walk with me in shadows?
Will you feel the touch of death
As we stand among the willows? [14]
Can I mold this shape into its form?
Or give this shade its color? [15]
Paint on canvas this internal storm
Giving voice to words I cannot utter

My incessant thoughts conspire
Light the torch to light the pyre [16]
Waiting for the spark of life [17]
To set this wilted tree alight [18]
Now taste this bitter tinge
Waiting to be unhinged [19]
By the eroding death

Now taste this bitter tinge
Waiting to be unhinged
By the eroding death within

1. Suicide Forest, Japan
2. Jamison on suicide happening after patients report not having suicidal thoughts)
3. My mother’s struggle with depression and suicide that culminated in a brief outburst of self-harm; Also a play on: Introvert - "The lines in my palms became constellations"
4. The idea of feeling trapped as witnessed in a conversation about suicide
5. Mount Fuji; also reference to the belief in some cultures of having to scale a volcanic summit to get to the afterlife
6. Golden Gate Bridge
7. Substance abuse
8. Eliot; The Waste Land
9. Ezekiel 36:26
10. Seneca
11. The idea of finality in death and the idea of eternal connectedness often manifested in mental illnesses; find Jamison reference
12. Ophelia; Hamlet
13. The inability to distinguish between reality of delusion in states of psychosis
14. Willows represent adaptivity and survivability, but also the ability to grieve and experience sorrow, I think that’s a pretty powerful juxtaposition
15. Eliot; The Hollow Men
16. Slaves and maidens being thrown on the funeral pyre of dead royalty
17. Jamison; Night Falls Fast
18. Isaiah 56:3
19. Another conversation about the topic of suicide


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