Panel: Data Revolutionizing East Africa: Transforming Lives, Empowering Communities | DTEA 2024

Описание к видео Panel: Data Revolutionizing East Africa: Transforming Lives, Empowering Communities | DTEA 2024

The panel on ‘Data Revolutionizing East Africa: Transforming Lives, Empowering
Communities’ delved into the transformative potential of data for fostering social
good, driving economic growth, and advancing sustainable development in Kenya and across East Africa.

Farhana Alarakhiya, Chief Data Innovation Officer, Aga Khan University
Panel Members:
Jack Ngare, Technical Director, Office of the CTO, Google;
Irene Mwendwa, Executive Director, Pollicy;
Edwin Wanjogu, Senior Product Manager;
Catherine Muraga, Managing Director, African Development Center, Microsoft;
David Lemaiyan, Head of Artificial Intelligence, Qhala

Digital Transformation in East Africa (DTEA) was a conference convened by the Aga Khan University in Kenya that brought together esteemed international and national experts to explore the vast potential of digital transformation in East Africa. Topics ranged from artificial intelligence and data analytics to inclusive digital ecosystems and cybersecurity. Dive into these insightful discussions crucial for driving digital progress in the region!


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