Refold Korean Q&A 1 - Koreaboos, the Intermediate Plateau, and more

Описание к видео Refold Korean Q&A 1 - Koreaboos, the Intermediate Plateau, and more

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Refold is an excellent place to gather and discuss immersion language learning. Based on the principles of Dr. Stephen Krashen's work on second language acquisition, the Refold Roadmap is a clear guide on how to learn a foreign language in a fun, natural way that will truly turn you into a speaker of the language. The way I learned Korean lines up well with their methodology, which is why I'm partnering with them on content creation and promoting their community!

In this video, I answer questions from Refold users about Korean, life in Korea, and a bunch of other topics, such as whether or not learning Korean makes you a Koreaboo, visa options for people coming to Korea, and how to escape the intermediate plateau as a language learner. I hope you enjoy!

Korean Patch is dedicated to helping people who are learning Korean become more authentic speakers of the language. We're glad you're here!

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0:00-0:58 Intro - What is Refold?
0:59-5:23 How can you get a work visa in Korea?
5:24-8:34 How can I make friends in Korea?
8:35-12:17 How can I do language exchange in Korea?
12:18-18:27 Does learning Korean make me a Koreaboo?
18:28-22:11 How long will it take me to learn Korean?
22:12-23:40 What did you struggle with during the intermediate plateau?
23:41-24:28 What helped you get through the intermediate plateau?
24:29-26:39 What methods are useful for learning vocabulary?
26:40-28:03 What's your favorite book you've read in Korean?
28:04-30:34 Do you know the meaning of Korean names from Hanja?
30:35-31:22 Do you have any more questions about Korean?


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