bonnie & damon ▶ nightcall

Описание к видео bonnie & damon ▶ nightcall

"you're stuck with me"

bonnie bennet & damon salvatore, the vampire diaries
coloring: sivandivan. tvd clips are so dark it's a miracle you can actually see anything lmao
subtitles available

here's another chapter to my "friendships that are actually more compelling than a romantic dynamic" book.
i know uploading stuff during hiatus is kind of pointless, because who cares? but, whatever

i had a bit of a rewatch of the earlier seasons, and made my way through s6&7 which i hadn't watched - and i was delighted to see that kat was given a more central role (she's sooo good), not to mention bonnie got a storyline that went beyond being used for spells and uhm.. dying. actual character development, wow amazing.

what i find so interesting in bonnie and damon's relationship is the fact that they could never ever stand one another and only found a way to connect thanks to - and through - elena.

the prison world forced them to rely on each other for comfort and survival, and gave them the first real chance to truly get to know one another. but losing elena sort of compromised that precarious balance.

with bonnie's life linked to elena, damon's hands are tied - he always did everything in his power to keep elena close and alive no matter what, and now for the first time he finds that he can't. elena would never forgive him, were she to to wake up from the sleeping curse to find out her best friend died untimely.

but i think things are more interesting from bonnie's pov. because all her life she's been putting elena first - and so has everyone else. it does not matter that now the roles are reversed, she still feels guilty over elena's fate.
& ofc she's constantly second-guessing damon's motivations because the line between damon preserving bonnie's life in elena's name and damon preserving bonnie's life because he actually cares about her is so blurred.
it doesn't help that damon chose the easy way out, chose to sleep rather than living his life. all of bonnie's self-doubts concerning her own value compared to elena's came rushing back.
that confrontation scene killed me, honestly. she looks so hurt, so vulnerable, all while calling out damon on his bs.
& the three-years later scenes were so intense, and painful & i just had to put something together.

it honestly amazed me how far damon was willing to go to save bonnie's life, knowing full well her death would give him elena back. but it was more than that. more that just saving bonnie, it was about making her realize that she matters, and that he admires her, her strength, her willingness to sacrifice herself for what she believes in and to fight when there's still hope.

"i love you the same way elena loved you" was such a powerful thing to say, imo. the show has always represented elena as this uniquely compassionate person who loves fully, heart and soul.
for damon to grasp the meaning of that kind of love, and to share it with bonnie - who is never going to see elena ever again (unless s8 changes that, and i think it will - because c'mon) - is such a huge huge thing.

idk, i love this dynamic. i love that in the midst of doing things for elena's sake, they ended up developing a peculiar, yet genuine bond.
anyway, i'm sad to say tvd remains my favorite guilty pleasure.

idk why i've taken the habit write so damn much in the description box. im sorry
also some of my videos are really long, i apologize. it's that it actually takes me less time having the space to arrange all the scenes as i want to, rather than figuring out a way to cram them all in fewer minutes. i never was good at summaries, lol


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