Salmi de Pigeon, Roasted Pigeon in Game Sauce

Описание к видео Salmi de Pigeon, Roasted Pigeon in Game Sauce

A classic Salmi de Pigeon is a semi-roasted bird - any feathered game may be used - which is then finished off in it's own sauce made from the carcass and giblets, flambéed in brandy and garnished with mushrooms. So many essential techniques in one traditional preparation... well worth mastering!
(for 2 people)
2 pigeon, neck and giblests
a glass of white wine
half a small glass of brandy
a glass of brown stock
8 - 10 mushrooms
a squeeze of lemon
a small carrot
2 shallots or half an onion
thyme and bay
butter and oil, or duck/goose fat
a tablespoon of flour
a tablespoon of butter
50 g salted pork belly or slab bacon
2 slices of white bread


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