EP101. 8月份种菜详细清单|Detailed List For August Planting

Описание к видео EP101. 8月份种菜详细清单|Detailed List For August Planting

#August-Fall Planting
16 plus Vegetables for August planting,
graphic of US planting zones

Rough Timeline(简单时间轴):
00:00-01:18 About myself (自我介绍)
01:18- 09:58 Detailed information about what you can plant in different zones in August, including 4 different groups/16 plus different veggies(4大类总共16种不同蔬菜在不同区域种植的详细介绍)
09:58-11:16 Summary(总结)
11:16-12:00 Planting of all vegetable seeds under the supervisions of a corgi (在柯基小毛孩的监督下种完所有种植)
12:00-12:06 Graphic of US planting zones and list of all the mentioned vegetable seeds (美国种植分区表和以上提到的16种蔬菜种植分区清单)


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