ZB, Extreme Light Sensitivity solved with Special Tinted Contact Lenses

Описание к видео ZB, Extreme Light Sensitivity solved with Special Tinted Contact Lenses

ZB fell over doing back yard sports and then bumped heads with someone else again in January 2020. He did not lose consciousness either time. He becomes symptomatic when driving, looking to the left, looking to the right, looking down, looking up. He is sensitive to light and has to wear dark sunglasses. His symptoms are aggravated when seeing bright lights, when reading, and when working on the computer. "When I hit my head the slightest bit, I get a flare up". He has blurred vision, burning, glare when seeing headlights, irritation, light sensitivity, pain. "When this first happened, I had trouble focusing (concentrating). Now I feel like it's visual and now I have a big issue with light sensitivity. My eye takes a minute to focus when bringing things closer and further. Manipulations of my neck really causes the symptoms. He is bothered by glare of oncoming headlights. He feels foggy and his eyes feel painful. "I haven't been doing much driving at night because light bothers me. I find that I need to re-read material. After 15-20 minutes, things get difficult". He spends the overwhelming majority of the day on the computer.

To learn about our eye care services and vision therapy we provide at Family Eye Care in Old Bridge, NJ, visit our website at www.newjerseyeyesite.com | 732-679-2020


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