Watain i Skräckministeriet

Описание к видео Watain i Skräckministeriet

I didn't have the time to do a subtitle-version, so non-Swedish people will have to do with the translation being in the description. Sorry about typos and bad grammar.

Reporter: Black metal is an extreme form of hardrock which's built upon satanic values. Watain from Stockholm (Uploaders note: Watain is from Uppsala, but the reporter thinks they're from Stockholm) belongs to one of the most ortodox part of the genre, and thinks of their music and their religion as one of the same. The band is a channel for the satanic beliefs that the members believe in, and that all of their music is based upon. A revolt against the the prison that is the flesh, and a celebration to the chaos that lurks underneath, in the unexplored.

E: The things we have on stage, the way we look, the things we wear, and what happens on stage should represent unbounded chaotic force. The force that gives life to everyting we do.

Reporter: Since they started, ten years ago, they've been seen as one of the most serious satanistic band out there, they build all of their stage-gear themselves, they ferment the pig blood, and has no fear of repulsive stuff, and violence. With classic horror attributes like chains, crosses and animal-skulls Watain wants in the strongest way possible channel the dark forces they believe in.

E: We want to build a temple on our stage, a temple in honor of the chaos-forces, and since we do that, we're making the stage a holy place.

E: It should be like entering the most fanatic church you can imagine, in the middle of the morning service, where the energy isn't called upon but is already streaming through the air, and that's a place where no laws exists at all. It's a dangerous place, of course, for people who just wants some entertainment...

Reporter: And feels, it does. Before Watain enters the stage they pour molten pig-blood over themselves, sometimes they throw some of it out on the audience, the stench is so intense that many people pukes, while others has the opposite reaction, and devotes themselves. Just the way in old religious rituals Watain wants people to feel their gigs not only by vision and hearing, but also by smell.

E: All of our clothes is more or less rotten. To get dressed is a feeling like... Well, even if you've been at some place else in your head the whole day, when you dress in the rotten clothes, and pour the molten pig blood on you, then you can try all you want, but you're not the one in control anymore.

E: People often asks me that "How is it that you can do all that stuff, sing about such violent topics, drench yourself in pig-blood and still live a normal life?", but that's what it is about, when you do all that stuff, when you're up on that stage, your normal life doesn't exist anymore. That's the transformation.

Reporter: What happens to you when you're on stage?

E: I don't really know, I don't think I've ever really been up there chuckles But the one who is on stage, in my body, he's filled with fire and power that can move mountains.

Reporter: Would you say that you have consciousness while up on stage?

E: Yeah, I would, but the day I come back from a tour and don't remember any of the gigs, then I know that I've maybe not reached my goal, but made a huge leap towards it.


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