Definition of Persian Painting

Описание к видео Definition of Persian Painting

“Persian Painting”

It’s a specific form of painting with almost two thousand years of history which originated in Persia, initially appeared in religious books and work of poets but later turned to an independent form of a painting of its own style and design. Persian painting is based on Iranian traditional belief and meditation that later merged with Islamic thoughts.

One remarkable specification of Persian painting is that perspective and shadows aren’t used in this type of art.

For example objects and things in a portrait are drawn in the same distance no matter far or close to avoid perspective and shadows because the painter believes this world is the shadow of a previous world.

In the past professional and skillful painters got the support of the kings and sultans of the time and artists had to work with governments.

After the Mongols attacked Iran, painters had to change their style of work in a different way and this brought a mix of Chinese style painting in backgrounds but nowadays painters and artists mostly work independently in their own style.

In fact, Persian painting consists of traditional stories of heroes, legendary wars and conquers, religion, love, and myths.


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