Trick 'r Treat: The History of Sam | Horror History

Описание к видео Trick 'r Treat: The History of Sam | Horror History

The history of this Halloween icon goes back to ancient traditions and beliefs from Celtic Ireland, some of which are darker than you may have feared...

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TRICK OR TREAT? Sam is a mythical and ancient deity created to protect the traditions of Samhain and other celebrations of the autumnal harvest. By understanding these ancient traditions, we can get a better idea of why Sam exists and why he does what he does. But what exactly is this mischievous Halloween spirit and how deep does his history go? What does he do for the rest of the year?

In this video I'll be exploring the entire history of Sam, from the movie Trick 'r Treat to the various comics and short films he has appeared in over the years.

I'll also go over the real-world creation of Sam by writer-director Michael Doherty, how he came to be the way he is, and what the future may hold for this now widely celebrated Halloween mascot.

00:00 The Origins of Sam, the Celtic Deity
01:55 The Origins of Halloween
03:16 Intro
04:01 The Creation of Sam: From Animated Short to Halloween Icon
08:01 The Spread of Halloween to the New World
10:08 The Power of the Corn Maiden
12:06 The Haunting of Jake and Sam
14:04 Sam's Purpose in the Story
16:11 Sam, the Supernatural Trick-or-Treater
18:09 A Halloween Date Gone Wrong
20:16 A Sensual Werewolf Transformation
22:20 A Cruel Halloween Prank and Ghostly Encounters
24:18 Sam's Halloween Ambush
26:16 The Encounter with Sam the Trick-or-Treater
28:22 Halloween Horror: Emma's Terrifying Fate
30:39 Sam's Holiday Adventures
32:46 The Future of Active Development

#spookyseason #trickortreat #halloween2023

About Horror History
Horror History is a series that analyses specific characters, monsters, places or events in the fictional worlds of your favorite horror franchises.

🔀 Horror History - Playlist:    • ↔️ Horror History | Character Analysis  
🔀 Halloween: The Complete History of Michael Myers (40 Year Timeline) | Horror History:    • Halloween: The Complete History of Mi...  
📺 The Complete History of Freddy Krueger | Horror History:    • Видео  

🎵 Original CZsWorld Music by Jimmy Roman (© CZsWorld)

CZsWorld is a horror film channel by writer-director Zac Morris. New horror videos every week. Remember to turn on deathbell notifications so you don't miss a video!

This video is not sponsored.
Edited by Andrew Botz-Zapp | ‪@ClaudeGnome‬

⚠ Disclaimer: This is a documentary film analyzing a fictional work of art for educational purposes. All actions seen in the video are performed by protagonists and should not be taken as real life footage. All stunts, effects and dialogue are performed by paid actors and all accounts are for the purposes of education, documentary and art.


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