Yoiyami Dancers: Twilight Danmaku Dancers - Rumia Scenario No Continues (NORMAL)

Описание к видео Yoiyami Dancers: Twilight Danmaku Dancers - Rumia Scenario No Continues (NORMAL)

A very fun rhythm game with bullet-hell elements. (it feels more like a bullet hell with rhythm game elements later on though, or perhaps it always was from the beginning?) Rumia's scenario is pretty simple, gather power and use items to make your way through the stages. I use the magnet to start with to gather lots of power early on, but you can get by with any preferred item. Also, this game's art style is so charming, it pretty much made me an instant fan of Rumia, I want meat.

Stage 1: 0:07
Very simple introductory stage.

Boss #1: 2:37
Also a very simple boss.

Stage 2: 3:41
Watch out for the rabbits, they'll limit the space you can move if you can't eliminate them fast enough.

Boss #2: 6:39
Another simple boss, her second attack requires passing through a beam at the right time however, so time your dodges well.

Stage 3: 8:28
The ghosts that appear and shoot bullets above/below them are pretty annoying, but you won't get hit by them or the bullets if you're on their lane, so take advantage of that to quickly eliminate them.

Boss #3: 11:40
My favorite boss in Rumia's scenario, it's just so chill. Besides that, her third attack's a little weird; if the grid appears red, dance on the outside until it becomes green and then trail behind or at the boss.

Stage 4: 14:43
This stage can get very chaotic very fast, hopefully you have an item like the umbrella or something like it that can give invincibility or protection or clear the screen quickly, since the screen's likely to be filled with bullets.

Boss #4: 17:16
This boss fight looks chaotic, but as you learn the fight you'll learn you don't have to move around as much as you think you have to. Unless it's their final spell, then you shuffle around the board desperately trying not to get hit. I picked up the 1-UP item just in case, but I didn't really need it. Still worth picking up on a first-time run.

Ending & Credits: 20:45


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