Cairo University library stems its objectives from its educational institution. The success of the university in accomplishing its message depends on the validity of its libraries, which are responsible for the educational and research process at the university. The mission of the library is part and parcel of the message of the university as being centerd on education, research and community service. It helps the student, the researcher, and the professor carry cut their job as it provides them with the varied sources of information. Besides, the library sorts out these sources and keeps them. Similarly, it is responsible for orienting library frequenters to know how to find out sources of information and how to make advantage of them.

As a source of information, university library comes first because it serves all educational and research functions of the university. It helps create new vistas of science and knowledge over generations. It connects the past and the present by means of continuity.

Apart from its educational and research role, the university has an educational part in developing capabilities and faculties. Undoubtedly, university library is the center of awakening, from which varied activities have radiated due to the treasures of knowledge it possesses and due to the services it provides for its frequenters. These services aid those library-goers to achieve their objectives, expectations and ambitions.

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