Metamodern Spirituality | Progress, Dialectics, and Metamodernism (w/ Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm)

Описание к видео Metamodern Spirituality | Progress, Dialectics, and Metamodernism (w/ Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm)

In this episode, I ask Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm to expound a bit more on how he sees Hegelian-style dialectics as a good framework for understanding the paradigm shift underway from postmodernism to metamodernism. What does it mean for there to be "progress" in ideas? How is knowledge production normative? What are the criteria by which we assess such claims?

0:00 Introduction
1:35 Which Hegel?
10:50 Nuancing "Progress"
16:06 Natural Teleology: Progress and Positive Value
20:00 Reorganizing Knowledge up the Spiral
32:27 Pragmatic Progress: Knowledge and Normativity
40:47 Recursive Reflection on Value Stances
48:44 Political Implications
1:01:02 Preserving and Transcending Critique


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