Democratic Education & Education Cities - Yaacov Hecht

Описание к видео Democratic Education & Education Cities - Yaacov Hecht


In this video, Yaacov Hecht, author of the book Democratic Education and co-founder of Hadera Democratic School in Israel, the International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC) and Education Cities, introduces us to core principles of democratic education and his vision of building education cities.

According to Yaacov Hecht, 4 key defining factors of democratic education are:
1. Run the school democratically with school meetings
2. Students have the right to choose what, how and when to learn
3. Dialogue relationship between adults and students
4. Human rights based curriculum

Education cities is based on the idea of making the city one big school, using all resources that exist in the city. The children can choose what they want to do inside the city and they use all the facilities of the city. Jerusalem is the first place where Education Cities is being developed and there they are building the education city upon 3 levels:

1. Connection between schools
2. Create local coin: Educoin
3. Cooperation between schools, factories, public spaces, business, etc

Find out more

Democratic Education (book) by Yaacov Hecht
  / democratic-education  

International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC)
and International Democratic Education Network (IDEN)

Education Cities

Wondering School


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