Y00ts $10 million NFT Marketing Case Study

Описание к видео Y00ts $10 million NFT Marketing Case Study

Today's NFT marketing case study is about Y00ts a project by DeGoads (Aka DeadGods) who used one of the most innovative marketing strategy for their NFT project to sellout a collection of 15,000 NFTs and make over $10m on Solana.

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Y00ts is the second project by Frank DeGods, the founder of Solana project DeadGods, Dust Protocol and Y00ts. Y00ts managed to pull off one of the most impressive NFT marketing campaigns during a bull market by having two key factors:

1: They had a novel and curated mint experience.
2: They had a cult-like founder that earned the trust and respect from the community.

In today's video, we will be looking at these 2 elements and what you can learn to help shape your Web 3.0 marketing strategy. We will be covering their Twitter marketing, Discord marketing, and influencer marketing strategies that helped them succeed.

Use this video as your NFT marketing guide to help you understand how to sellout an nft collection on SOL or Eth without having to pay for expensive courses.


00:00 Intro
02:00 The New Age Of NFT Marketing
03:11 Y00ts' Two Factors Of Success
03:38 Lessons From Failure
05:07 Y00ts Overview
05:41 Marketing Funnel
08:03 Coinmarketcap
09:43 Innovative Application Process
10:20 Y00ts Twitter
12:43 Y00tlist Application
14:45 Marketing On Steroids
16:58 Minting T00bs
17:27 Art
17:53 Roadmap
19:51 Mystery Marketing
20:30 Takeaway Part 1
21:34 Frank DeGod
22:26 Web 3.0 Social Intelligence
24:12 Frank VS Doodles
25:22 Team Transparency
26:44 Communication
27:23 Takeaway Part 2

Y00ts NFT Twitter:   / y00tsnft  
Y00tlist NFT Twitter:   / y00tlist  
FrankDeGod NFT Twitter:   / frankdegods  
DeGods NFT Magic Eden: https://magiceden.io/marketplace/degods

Follow me on Twitter:   / heythisisleon  
Follow me on Instagram:   / leonabboud  

About Unfungible.xyz:

Unfungible.xyz is an NFT Consulting company and marketing agency aimed at helping projects and artists market their NFT collections and develop their Web 3.0 strategy on Solana or Ethereum.

We know that launching an NFT project can be hard. Between all the Discord, Twitter, and other marketing strategies available, it's easy to get lost. So I create this video to serve you as a How to market nft strategy 101 to help you build an nft project.

Btw, my lawyer called and asked me to write this: I am not a financial advisor, these people wear suits, I don't. So PLEASE, do not take anything in this video as financial advice. DYOR: Do your own research. Consult a professional investment advisor before making any investment decisions.




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