Classic WoW - NEW SM:GY Safespot Mage AoE Spot

Описание к видео Classic WoW - NEW SM:GY Safespot Mage AoE Spot

Please read description for more analysis

Average gear. Figured out it could (theoretically) go up to about 77k an hour exp if done in 12m runs, (for reference, Go'shek is 50-55k/h) however i think it'd be near to impossible. You'd need AMAZING gear for it

Also, phantasms summon adds which cannot be killed by blizzard (only flamestrike/wand/arcane explosion/bombs), which is why they weren't pulled on this pull+were killed prior

Scarlet casters were killed prior to this pull

evade spot to run through scarlet andys: (anywhere that a fence is on a wall)

Factoring all these in, I would recommend doing this as a level 34 mage duo with good gear on both (boot speed enchant probably good too). quickly preclear all the scarlet mages you can before pulling, have one pull left side/one right side, ice block same time and stack together, then start as normal. Easy 38.5k/h duo in an instance, as well as grave moss spawns.

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