*NEW* Kayali Eden Sparkling Lychee review!

Описание к видео *NEW* Kayali Eden Sparkling Lychee review!

HELLO FRIENDS! today i am coming to you with my thoughts on kayali's brand new sparkling lychee 39, which will be launching on December 1st! thanks to the team at kayali, i was able to get my hands on it early :) #gifted (also soft launch of my boyfriend's reaction to the scent!)

sparkling lychee: https://go.shopmy.us/p-2768074
sugarfina candies: https://go.shopmy.us/p-2768140

intro 0:00
paco robanne fame review 0:21
eden sparkling lychee review 1:00
my boyfriend's reaction 2:20
le monde gourmand x gemini bake perfume 3:00
comparison to eden juicy apple 3:35

what camera am i using - fujifilm x-s20 (https://amzn.to/3QxAHog)
how old am i? - 22

IG:   / perfumerism  
Tiktok:   / perfumerism  
Shop my fragrances: https://shopmy.us/perfumerism

#kayali #newfragrance #kayaliedensparklinglychee #edensparklinglychee #lycheeperfume #fruityperfume #newperfume

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