St. George Monastery, Troulloi and Shipwrack by Oroklini, Cyprus

Описание к видео St. George Monastery, Troulloi and Shipwrack by Oroklini, Cyprus

Holy Monastery of St. George (Agios Georgios Mavrovoniou), Troulloi and Ship on Land by Oroklini, Cyprus
The Holy Monastery is in the north of Larnaca at a small distance from it. It is very close to Troulloi village.
A description of the Monastery is given by Russian monk Vasilios Mparski who visited it in December 1735 and says that the church was surrounded by trees and that the inhabitants were silk producers and animal breeders.
There were periods when the Monastery had to be abandoned by its monks. The Church of Cyprus rents it to a private citizen to a villager from Troulloi village. In the end, only two ruined rooms remain from the Monastery.
Ship on Land (Καράβι στη στεριά), shipwreck by Oroklini
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