MHW Iceborne How to Measure Beotodus Mini Gold Crown Guide

Описание к видео MHW Iceborne How to Measure Beotodus Mini Gold Crown Guide

Hello and welcome to Lord Fenton Gaming plays Monster Hunter World Iceborne. I am your host Lord Fenton. In today's Monster Hunter World Iceborne Mini Gold Crown guide, the target is the Beotodus. In Monster Hunter World Iceborne Beotodus is an creature that can go underground and rise up to attack. This video guide will cover the Beotodus Mini Crown. I will cover from what cloak you need to what quest to get and finally how to measure Beotodus Mini Gold Crown. So enjoy this MHW mini gold crown guide. As always like, comments and subscribe to my channel for more Monster Hunter World Iceborne content like this.


Intro- 0:05

Quests to get - 0:37
Cloak to get - 1:04
Start of measuring the Beotodus Mini Crown non-combat method - 1:57

NOTE: I've picked the quest with two battles and yes it is HARD to measure the Beotodus or any monsters like it outside of combat. I will show off the combat method.

Combat Beotodus measure start - 2:35
Freeze Frame on how I measured the Beotodus Mini Gold Crown - 2:38
Beotodus 1 down - 3:03

NOTE: At this point I was going for the Large Gold Crown for the Beotodus.

Quest complete - 3:16
Mini Gold Crown Beotodus - 3:31
Guild Card with proof of Mini Gold Crown Beotodus MHW - 3:49

That is how you measure a mini gold crown Beotodus in Monster Hunter World. Any more crowns, maps, events and ect I will post.

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This footage was shot on the PS4 Pro using Elgato HD60 S.

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