拍謝少年 Sorry Youth - 暗流 Undercurrent ft. 安溥 Anpu|2019大港開唱 Megaport Festival

Описание к видео 拍謝少年 Sorry Youth - 暗流 Undercurrent ft. 安溥 Anpu|2019大港開唱 Megaport Festival

拍謝少年 Sorry Youth ft. 安溥 【 暗流 】
2019 大港開唱 Megaport Festival

是傷心的滋味啊 想著過去的風景 猶原囥佇我心肝內 袂當袂記
是孤單的感覺啊 夢中看見你的臉 目屎掰袂離 無暝無日
欲安怎來講出喙 欲安怎來講出心內話 彼个懵懂的少年家 啊~
著放予去 著放袂記啊 人生

以前的咱 是無共現實看佇眼內
這馬的我 是勤儉拍拚為著未來
故鄉的風 是日日夜夜吹著阮心肝啊 佇遮啊

夢醒的歌聲啊 佇我心內唱啊
平凡的人 頂真的生活 是歌啊

這幾年 行入仝款的社會 賺著滿腹的怨慼 欲按怎對你來解釋
這幾年 行入仝款的社會 賺著滿腹的怨慼 欲按怎對你來解釋
聽 咱的歌聲 共阮的故事 唱予你聽
聽 咱的歌聲 共阮的故事 唱予你聽


Looking back, I see the sights of heartbreak
Clutched in my heart, I'd never let go such ache
Unwashed loneliness, I saw in a dream your face
Drowned in tears, days, nights, always
Our minds never reached our voice. Oh, we were such wide-eyed boys!
Let go. Move on. Put it all behind. That's life.
Yesterday, we taunt reality and all its plight,
Today, for the future I fight and I strive.
Every day, every night. Sweeping through my heart is the wind from home.
From my heart flows the song of dreams awakening.
Singing, of the everyday man and his honest living
Working the drudgery all these years have earned me resentments abundant and plenty. How should I explain that to you?
Working the drudgery all these years have earned me resentments abundant and plenty. How should I explain that to you?
Listen to our song, hear our story.
Listen to our song, hear our story.


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