Agostino Marinelli - “From free electrons to bound electrons attosecond science with X ray free...

Описание к видео Agostino Marinelli - “From free electrons to bound electrons attosecond science with X ray free...

Stanford University
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Agostino Marinelli
“From free electrons to bound electrons: attosecond science with X-ray free-electron lasers”

X-ray free-electron lasers have recently broken the femtosecond barrier, which separates the motion of nuclei from the much faster motion of electrons in molecules and solids. Evolving from a cutting-edge R&D project to a new scientific program, attosecond XFELs are now producing time-resolved observations of coherent electronic phenomena with atomic site specificity and unprecedented temporal resolution.

In my talk I will introduce the physics of X-ray free-electron lasers and the experimental FEL R&D program at SLAC. I will then present our results on attosecond pulse generation and its application to the observation of coherent electron dynamics in molecules. Finally, I will present our ongoing R&D efforts towards plasma-based attosecond sources, capable of combining the peak power of XFELs with the fractional bandwidth of state of the art few-cycle lasers.


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