
Описание к видео #101

Our Sponsor - DevTernity 2022
DevTernity 2022 (devternity.com) is the top international software development conference with an emphasis on coding, architecture, and tech leadership skills. The lineup is truly stellar and features many legends of software development like Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, Kent Beck, Scott Hanselman, Venkat Subramaniam, Kevlin Henney, Allen Holub, Sandro Mancuso, and many others!
The conference takes place online, and we have the 10% discount code for you: AWSM_TLJ.

Our Sponsor - Skills Matter
Today’s episode is proudly sponsored by Skills Matter, the global community and events platform for software professionals.
Skills Matter is an easier way for technologists to grow their careers by connecting you and your peers with the best-in-class tech industry experts and communities. You get on-demand access to their latest content, thought leadership insights as well as the exciting schedule of tech events running across all time zones.
Head on over to https://skillsmatter.com to become part of the tech community that matters most to you - it’s free to join and easy to keep up with the latest tech trends.

Our Sponsor - Tech Lead Journal Shop
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Check out all the cool swags available by visiting https://techleadjournal.dev/shop.
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For more info about the episode (including quotes and transcript), visit https://techleadjournal.dev/episodes/101.

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