祂賜我平安 He Gives Me Peace (Duet)(台語)

Описание к видео 祂賜我平安 He Gives Me Peace (Duet)(台語)

祂賜我平安 He Gives Me Peace 是今天的 Special music, duet by Wendy & Ingrid.

祂賜我平安 He Gives Me Peace
Words and Music by Cindy Berry



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簡介:Music of Ingrid 是敬拜讚美音樂的鋼琴與聲樂家。

您好 ! 我是YouTube 頻道 | Music of Ingrid 的創作者。我希望能用這個頻道跟您分享好聽的敬拜讚美的音樂。敬拜讚美的音樂是由我(Ingrid)親自彈唱。願能讓您聽了這些音樂之後會更加的喜愛敬拜讚美的音樂。另外有Special Music 包括一些優美的曲子及詠嘆調: 如獨唱,重唱及合唱曲。如果您喜歡我的影片,歡迎多多支持我,我將會以更多優質內容呈現給大家。Music of Ingrid 在此衷心的感謝!願神賜福您!

如果您有任何意見和看法, 歡迎 email 與 Music of Ingrid 聯絡。
[email protected]


Please support the music ministry of this channel Music of Ingrid.

You can support my channel by donating through Zelle or PayPal at [email protected]. Thank you so much for your support!

Introduction: Music of Ingrid is the pianist and vocalist of the worship hymn music.

Good day! I am the creator of the YouTube channel | Music of Ingrid. I wish to use this channel to share with you the beautiful worship music that I sang and played by myself. Hope you can enjoy worship music even more through my videos! There are also special music, including some other beautiful songs and arias: solo, duet, and chorus. If you enjoy my videos, I would greatly appreciate your support, and it would allow me to produce more high-quality content for everyone to enjoy. I, Ingrid, thank you from the bottom of my heart! May God bless you!

If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]



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