How To Activate Gamma Brainwaves Through MEDITATION (5 steps to unlimited bliss)

Описание к видео How To Activate Gamma Brainwaves Through MEDITATION (5 steps to unlimited bliss)

#meditation #brainwaves #gamma

‼️For additional in-depth notes on Gamma Brainwaves and how this 5 step process works:

In this video, I outline five steps to control your brainwaves, slow them down, and enter deep meditative states that will allow you to transcend into Gamma brainwaves, where Superconsciousness is experienced. In this state, we move beyond the confines of our individual ego and the usual cognitive functions that shape our everyday experiences. Instead, we enter a realm where the boundaries of the self dissolve, leading to a profound sense of unity and interconnectedness with the entire existence.

In Superconsciousness, we awaken to a higher level of awareness that transcends the ordinary levels of consciousness, such as the subconscious and conscious mind. This state is characterized by a direct experience of the Absolute or the transcendent dimension of reality. The illusion of separateness falls away, revealing a direct, unmediated experience of oneness.

This state is both transformative and illuminating. We may perceive the world not as a collection of discrete objects but as an integrated, living, dynamic whole. This expanded awareness often leads to a deepened sense of compassion, love, connection, wisdom, and clarity. The usual dualities and conflicts that mark our daily existence are transcended, allowing for a more expansive, holistic view of ultimate reality.

Superconsciousness is often linked to higher states of consciousness, such as mystical experiences, peak experiences, supernatural healing, and profound spiritual insights. In this state, one can fully grasp the interconnectedness of all things and the unity of existence, which can lead to significant transformation in one’s perception and way of being in the world.

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