2010 Toyota Yaris Into Pole Small / Oblique Overlap Frontal Crash Test (7° - 10% Overlap)

Описание к видео 2010 Toyota Yaris Into Pole Small / Oblique Overlap Frontal Crash Test (7° - 10% Overlap)

This test was conducted in support of NHTSA's Small Overlap Program. This information provided insight into future testing for the Oblique Overlap Research Program that is currently on hold. The vehicle, 2010 Toyota Yaris Sedan was positioned on a moving platform where 10% of the outer left-side edge of the vehicle contacts the pole. The vehicle was placed at 7° and was moving at 56 Km/h (35 Mph) at the time of impact. The driver occupant is a 50th Percentile Male THOR LX dummy, the occupant in the left-rear position is a 5th Percentile female Hybrid III dummy. This test was performed at the Medical College of Wisconsin on 10/19/2010.

Injury Information:
Driver - Rear Passenger
HIC15 252 - 1548
Chest G's 40 - 76
Chest Compression (mm) 39.2 - 40.9
Femur Loads (L/R - N) 3703/9322 - 505/353


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