Pluralone - Allowed It To Burn

Описание к видео Pluralone - Allowed It To Burn

From JK:

I thought I’d spend the day at my workspace. Had a few things to do, but the air outside is ominous and heavy. This song just happened now. I had to do a few versions because my voice can’t tolerate the smoke I’ve been breathing for the past few days. I don’t want to beat a dying horse but it feels as though we’re moving faster and faster toward some really terrible place. I hope I’m wrong, and oddly, always have hope, but we really really really must start putting out these fires. The ones burning just over the hills from where I live, and all of the other ones. You know what I mean. We’ve been playing with fire now for a little while and if we allow this world to burn, that’s it…we won’t have one anymore.

Please be kind to yourselves and those around you.


Allowed It To Burn

Where you gonna go
When it’s just up over the hills
When your power’s been cut off

Reason wants us to learn
Hard lessons either way
You know the world’s still gonna turn

Even though we allowed it to burn
Though we allowed the world to burn

Everybody’s fingers point
Yet somehow we’re still missing it
This guy’s complaining about masks

While this guys’s coughing up blood
The sky’s complaining about us
We allowed the world to burn
The sprinklers didn’t work
Some people never learn
Allowed the world to burn

We loaded the gun
Set the fireworks off
Think about what we’ve done
Not ready for this to be done.


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