Bum-Rushing NATO | Let's Play Regiments: Operation Iron Tide | Ep 1

Описание к видео Bum-Rushing NATO | Let's Play Regiments: Operation Iron Tide | Ep 1

We start Iron Tide, the 4th operation in Regiments. I'll be playing on Hard difficulty with default settings. Waves upon waves of my Soviet T-64 tanks are breaking on British and Belgian defenses, despite heavy artillery support and allied units attacking alongside me. Can I pull off a victory?

This is a 1-stage operation with a heavily armored Soviet force attacking dug-in Belgian and British defenders.

#coldwar #nato #soviet #tanks #wargaming

Regiments is one of the best strategy games of 2022, a fantastic new RTS from Microprose. While drawing influences from classic wargames and strategy games, it sets itself apart with unique gameplay and a single-player campaign focus.


Regiments version: 1.0.6
Difficulty: Hard
Settings: Default

Check out other videos on my channel for more Regiments gameplay, Regiments tips, and Regiments guides.


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