Lin Truly & Tai Yu | Truth ♥ [Happy Valentine's Day]

Описание к видео Lin Truly & Tai Yu | Truth ♥ [Happy Valentine's Day]

(Lin Zhen Xin & Xu Tai Yu)

This movie has been on my watchlist for a while. It had amazing reviews and I was curious what all the fuss was about, so I finally watched it yesterday and I liked it a lot, it was beautiful! I felt happy after wacthing it. It's perfect for Valentine's Day ♥

Tomorrow (or today, since it's almost midnight here in Sweden) is my 7th anniversary on YouTube with this channel. I actually had a channel before this one, so it's been 8 or 9 years since I started making fanvideos (feeling old). I will probably make a multifandom video to celebrate this later. That is, if I have time and inspiration.

About this video, I made it in a few hours so it's really simple . I just wanted to make a video with this couple because they are so precious.

I hope you'll have a wonderful Valentine's Day


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