Peep Show vs. Scientology

Описание к видео Peep Show vs. Scientology

Jez and Super Hans join the 'New Wellness Centre' which is in no way, whatsoever, based on creepy UFO cult 'Scientology'. Likewise, Orgones (paging Willhelm Reich!) certainly don't resemble 'Body Thetans' and New Wellness founder 'Soloman Hunt' is over 9000 million miles away from being anywhere close to loony Dianetics guru L Ron 'Elrond' Hubbard. As usual Super Hans gets all the best lines: "You gonna stay in the Death Star with Captain Haddock?" being a particular classic.
Just to reiterate then: New Wellness - bizarre and oppressive cult based on absurd pulp Sci-Fi ramblings of third rate hack writer.
Church of Scientology - Legitimate religion and humanitarian organiza....oh, fuck this. I'm going clear.


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