CTRB Contributed Oral Presentations: History in collections theme

Описание к видео CTRB Contributed Oral Presentations: History in collections theme

CTRB Contributed Oral Presentations: History in collections theme
0:10 Introduction by Cailin Meyer
1:08 1. Diego Tavares Vasques - History and importance of the fern herbarium collections in Japan, with focus on the University of Tokyo herbarium https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.8.138439
14:10 2. Tokay Alberts - Uncovering a history of our natural history collections: an early-career experience digitizing Californian museum specimens
28:35 3. Victoria Pickering - The Sloane Lab: mobilising historical botanical data at the Natural History Museum in London
44:56 4. Gary P. Aronsen - Abreu's Apes: Historical, cultural and scientific structures surrounding an orangutan (Pongo ssp.) collection at the Yale Peabody Museum


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