DRIVE: The Hans Sama Story

Описание к видео DRIVE: The Hans Sama Story

Steven "Hans Sama" Liv aims to be the best League of Legends player in Europe, but he also has aspirations of being the best artist he can be. With the support of his family, his Misfits teammates, and legendary French League of Legends pro, Bora "Yellowstar" Kim, Steven makes his EU LCS debut.

DRIVE explores the motivations behind the best League of Legends players from around the globe.

Soundtrack List:
"Higher" by Chad Lawson
"flowers" (feat. nori) by in love with a ghost
"Slipstream Cruise" by Harry Valentine
"i need a cup of coffee and some bread to wake up" by in love with a ghost
"Northern Lights" by Chris White and Richard Dutnail
"Running with the Wolves" by AURORA


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